Multiply retirement savings: Doubled or even quadrupled annual retirement plan savings are possible. A 401(k) plan allows contributions of up to $19,000 per year plus an extra $6,000 per year “catch up” for individuals 50 years old and over. Profit sharing allows up to an additional $37,000 for a total of $62,000 per year. A cash balance plan allows an extra $55,000 to $336,000 of deductible savings.
Savings rate may be the single most important variable in the accumulation of wealth! - Nick Murray
Orchid will work with you and an actuary to provide a plan illustration and show you what type of savings is possible to you and your participants. |
We can help you and you participants accelerate your retirment savings. This will to ensure an ontime retirement with plenty of money to support your lifestyle.
Reach your retirement goals on time! |
Attract and retain employees: Cash balance plans are very attractive to current and future partners and employees. When a cash balance plan is implemented, retirement plan participation improves.
Here's what to do first!
1. Call Seth at (650) 334-6104 to get started!
2. Schedule a phone or in person free consultation that will take about 20-30 minutes. 3. The focus will be on discovering your goals. 4. We will work with an actuary and provide your with a sample illustration. 5. The goal is to implement a new plan! 6. Some of the PERKS with Orchid is the ongoing guidance and service to participants. 7. Give your team the best and schedule an appointment TODAY! |